PMU Care

Before - Prepare

It all starts with a good canvas! The eyebrow area must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive, and non-irritated. Here’s how to get your skin ready for the procedure:

• Do not pick/tweeze/wax/perform electrolysis one week before the procedure.

• Do not tan two weeks prior to the service, or have a sunburned face.

• Do not have any type of facial 2 weeks prior to the procedure.

• Avoid using retinol, retin-a, facial peels and any other abrasive products around the eyebrow area.

• Do not work out the day of the procedure.

• Do not have Botox 3 weeks prior to the procedure.

• Do not take Fish Oil or Vitamin E one week prior to the procedure.

• Do not wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days prior to the procedure.

• If you typically tint your brows or have very light hair do so 5 days before procedure

• Do not drink alcohol 24 – 48 hours before your tattoo

• Do not consume coffee or workout the day of your procedure

• Do not take an Aspirin or Ibuprofen for pain relief (these also thin the blood)

Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns!

After - Care


Day of

  • Leave your brows alone until later in the day.

  • Before you wash them please use gauze or paper towel and get it damp with warm water and do 3-5, 5 second compresses. This will remove any buildup and ensure you don’t pull any pigment when washing.

  • After removing lymph fluid, wash with warm water and antibacterial soap, DO NOT RUB, pat them when washing.

  • Pat and let air dry for 5-10 minute.

  • Split rice size amount of aquafor and apply to both of your brow



Day 1-7

  • Wash daily to remove bacteria, buildup of product and oils, and dead skin. (Don’t worry, THIS DOES NOT REMOVE THE PIGMENT!)

  • Gently wash the area each morning and night with water and antibacterial nonscented soap, when washing, pat – DON’T scrub

  • Rub the area in a smooth motion for 10 seconds and rinse with water ensuring that all soap is rinsed away.

  • To dry, gently pat with a clean tissue. DO NOT use any cleansing products containing acids (glycolic, lactic, or AHA), or exfoliates.

  • Let air dry completely before applying Aquaphor, don’t trap any moisture.


& Hydrate

Day 1-7

  • Apply a tiny, rice grain amount of Aquaphor 3 times a day with a cotton swab and spread it across the treated area.

  • Be sure not to over-apply, as this will suffocate your skin and delay healing. The product should be barely noticeable on the skin.

  • NEVER put the product on a wet or damp tattoo.


Important Reminder

-Redness and swelling after procedure is normal

-Use a fresh pillowcase while you sleep.

-Let any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color.

-No facials, botox, chemical treatments or microdermabrasion for 4 weeks.

-Avoid hot, sweaty exercise for one week.

-Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning for 4 weeks after the procedure. Wear a hat when outdoors.

-Avoid long, hot showers for the first 10 days.

-Avoid sleeping on your face for the first 10 days.

-Avoid face-down swimming, lakes, and hot tubs for the first 10 days,

-Avoid topical makeup and sunscreen on the area.

-DO NOT rub, pick, or scratch the treated area.

-If there is any extreme redness and/or swelling after 3 days, green or yellow discharge please contact a health professional as this could indicate an infection. Following after care is VERY important to avoiding infection & should be taken seriously as it will also have an affect on your healed results.

Instructions When Showering

-Limit your showers to 5 minutes so that you do not create too much steam. Keep your face/procedure area out of the water while you wash your body, then, at the end of your shower, wash your hair.

-Your face should only be getting wet only at the end of the shower.

-Avoid excessive rinsing and hot water on the treated area.